Hello guys we are going to tell you The brand new working idea TCP working In many states Try yours and comment...guys....b>
Working states-
2)chattisgarh And many more.
1) Idea 3g enabled sim card
2) maintain balance 0.
3)Android phone.
4)And most Importent 'presence of mind' guys..
So follow the steps given below...
1» download troid VPN from below...
2»Open troid VPN..and select any free server.
3»write lport 443 and rport to 0 and select TCP from given box.
4»Now go to advance option and tick on use TCP proxies....
5» write proxy-</b>
6» write proxy port- 3128
7»now in header write this-
8» Now click on save and connect....
Download link for troid VPN
ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon